No More TANTRUMS (a Big Kid Power book)
by Maria van Lieshout
(This week's #ReviewsDay pick is from cottager Kara LaReau.)
What it's all about...
You thought I was going to pick a holiday book, didn't you? Well, this is a holiday book — or, at least, one that will help you and your little ones get through the winter break, and beyond!
Why I love it...
Every book in this Big Kid Power series spotlights a toddler milestone. Their book I Use the POTTY was indispensable in our house! (My review of it here.)
Favorite lines...
When I was little and I didn't get my way, I cried.
"I want to go home!"
"I DON'T want to go home!"
"I want a CUPCAKE!"
Sample illustration...
It conveys all the emotions and details of this milestone experience with gentle humor and bright, fun illustrations.
What's the grownup appeal?
Um, the title says it all!
Where to find/buy NO MORE TANTRUMS
Indie Booksellers
Barnes & Noble
Or at a school or library near you!
I sure could have used this book when my daughter was a terrible 3 ;)!!